Transdisciplinary Co-Design
Within the THEIA-XR project, a transdisciplinary co-design methodology will be applied, involving all critical user- and stakeholder groups, scientific and technical disciplines in the project as equal partners and experts in their respective fields.

A scenario-based design approach will be applied to create realistic usage scenarios for XR technologies in the use-cases, involving all disciplines, operators and stakeholders. This means that, e.g., vehicle operators will participate in the writing, incorporating their ideas and concerns, while the technical partners will provide perspectives on how the ideas could be implemented and how problems could be addressed.
The final step of our co-design methodology is the co-evaluation. In this phase, concepts and prototypes will be tested by real operators and stakeholders with quantitative and qualitative methods to assess the acceptability, usability and user experience as well as ethical, privacy and security concerns of the solutions.