PRINOTH meeting March 2023

Last week a select group of THEIAXR partners participated in the snow grooming use case meeting at partner PRINOTH, a leading producer of snow groomers. 

The main goal was to meet with actual operators of snow groomers and hear their views on how XR technologies could make their day-to-day interaction with the machines easier and more enjoyable. The snow grooming use case will then implement these inputs into a pilot that is hoped to improve human-machine interaction in snow groomers with the help of XR,

The partners also provided insights on the technical aspects of the snow grooming use case and worked towards the first specification, resulting in compelling discussions and ideas.

Finally, PRINOTH allowed all partners to experience working with snow groomers firsthand by joining the operators during their activities, which was amazing!

PRINOTH meeting March 2023
PRINOTH meeting March 2023
PRINOTH meeting March 2023


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