Work Package Description

Work Package 1 – Project Management
WP1 aims to guarantee the success of the project objectives, related to management and innovation, and that they are met by ensuring the successful completion of the project on resource, quality, and on time.
Work Package 2- Requirements, Use Case and Demonstration Specification
WP2 aims at providing and defining a consensual project vision, establishing the state of the art in terms of technologies for eXtended Reality in the Off-Highway domain and for human-machine interaction. Additionally, this WP collects and analyses the technical and use case requirements and defines the Key Performance Indicators.
Work Package 3 – Transdisciplinary Co-Design
WP3 aims at providing a transdisciplinary co-design concept from the context of use analysis to the formative evaluation of information presentation and interaction concepts. It will investigate the validation of useful, intuitive, and safe extended reality information presentation and interaction and design concepts to positively experience work through self-efficacy and meaningfulness. Finally, solutions allowing high standards of ethics and data security will be designed.
Work Package 4 – Cyber-Physical Human-Machine Interaction
WP4 aims at bringing the requirements of the workplaces to the extended realities, targeting mainly how to improve human-machine interaction. Hereby, the target is to convey the feelings of being present in the area of the machine operation and being responsible for the work performed by conveying extended reality interfaces. Different interaction modalities will be investigated and extended for applicability within industrial use cases. Additionally, a simulation-based environment will be introduced for testing the different interaction modalities.
Work Package 5 – Multi-modal Information Presentation
WP5 aims at design and development of methods for accurate calibration and registration of sensors with respect to the sensors used for visualization and other forms of feedback. Algorithms will be developed for processing of non-tangible data in order to visualize or transfer them into a perceivable form in XR environments. Additionally, novel visualization concepts will be developed to provide information in an understandable way for the human operator to interact with the machine intuitively.
Work Package 6 – Integration, Demonstration, Validation, and Verification
WP6 will act as the experimental base for the technologies and methodologies developed within THEIAXR. These solutions will be integrated into designated demonstrators from the three different domains targets in the use cases, namely snow grooming, logistics, and construction. Additionally, the developed technologies will be validated against specific and real-world scenarios, requirements, and KPIS defined within the project.
Work Package 7 – Dissemination, Exploitation, and Communication
WP7 will disseminate and provide outreach of the project activities and results to encourage the spread of THEIAXR within and outside the Off-Highway domain. This will result in paving the way for broad adoption of the THEIAXR solutions. Additionally, it will provide guidelines for the development and deployment of XR technologies and their privacy-related issues.